We are Slow Fashion Movement, a NGO (RSIN: 863512896) headquartered in Amsterdam, Netherlands with a global presence that creates local impact.

Our mission is to educate and empower fashion consumers to make environmentally and socially conscious choices.

This means we encourage consumers to:

Slow Down - Less shopping, more re-wearing, more sharing.

Choose Consciously - Make informed fashion decisions that support environmental and social sustainability.

Connect - Be a part of the Slow Fashion Community by exchanging knowledge and inspiration.

We envision a fashion ecosystem that protects the physical well-being of the planet and its people.

As an online-first organisation, our activities include:

Campaigns that inform and educate, and drive community action and industry collaboration.

Educational content that is backed by research and shared across social media platforms like Instagram and LinkedIn.

Community building through events, local teams, ambassador program, collaboration with fashion institutes and student bodies and organisational training and development.

Want to be more involved?

For Partnership queries across campaigns, events, Instagram or LinkedIn please write to partnerships@slowfashion.global

For Partnership queries as an NGO or University/School please write to puja@slowfashion.global

For PR queries please write to bhavna@slowfashion.global

For Ambassadors Program queries please write to ambassadors@slowfashion.global

For Local Teams queries please write to localgroups@slowfashion.global

For Volunteering queries please write to people@slowfashion.global

Slow Fashion Movement

Slow Fashion Movement

An NGO Educating and Empowering Fashion Consumers to Slow Down. Choose Consciously. Connect.